
Dancefestopia: A Dance Wonderland…in Kansas? Yup.

From Humble Beginnings to a Dance Mecca

Back in 2012, someone in Kansas must’ve clicked their ruby red heels and said, “I wish for an epic dance festival,” because Dancefestopia was born! From its humble beginnings, the festival now boasts of over 100 artists and draws attendees from every corner of the nation.

So, What’s the Buzz About?

Imagine the energy of a rave combined with the free spirit of a festival. Located in the stunning Emerald City (not the one from the Oz tale, but La Benite Park in Sugar Creek), Dancefestopia promises a dancing experience by the Missouri River. Besides, what’s more liberating than dancing under the open sky with the shimmering water in the backdrop?

Attending 101: You Can Dance If You Want To

Tickets: Basic tickets usually hover around the $150-$200 range. VIP? Well, that’s a neat $500+, but hey, luxury has its price.

Age Factor: 18+ is the magic number. Sorry kiddos, this Emerald City’s a bit exclusive.

Staying: Camp out or glam out with glamping options! Or be boring and get a hotel (just kidding, we respect all life choices).

Fashionably Late? Nah, Just Fashionable

When it comes to Dancefestopia, let’s be real, it’s not just about the beats and the dance moves. It’s a full-blown fashion fiesta!

Because if you’re going to dance like nobody’s watching, you might as well look fabulous while doing it, right?

Whether you’re channeling your inner rave wear or aiming for a laid-back, boho outfit, the festival runway — erm, we mean dance floor — is yours for the taking. Dive into these fit-for-a-festival looks and gear up to be the dancing queen of Dancefestopia!

Women’s Outfit Ideas for Dancefestopia:

Midwestern Mermaid: Think sequined bralettes, shimmering skirts, and LED flower crowns. Just remember: real mermaids dance, they don’t swim, especially in the Missouri River.

The Galactic Gal: Silver, metallic leggings, paired with a holographic crop top. And maybe an alien headband, because why the heck not?

Classic Rave Babe: Neon tank top, fishnet stockings, fluffy leg warmers, and those chunky boots. You know the ones.

Bohemian Dancer: Flowy maxi dresses, leather sandals, lots of beads, and even more dance moves.

Sporty Vibes: A neon sports bra, breathable mesh top, running shorts, and comfy sneakers. You’re here to dance, not to pass out from a wardrobe malfunction.

Survival Gear, Dancefestopia Edition

Backpack: For all your necessities and the unnecessary items you’ll inevitably bring.

Water Bottle: Hydration, hydration, hydration! No one likes a dehydrated dancer.

Portable Charger: Because capturing memories is as essential as making them.

Comfortable Shoes: Your feet will thank you.

Glow Sticks: Because you can never glow too much.

Wrapping It Up, Dance Style

Look, you don’t have to be from Kansas to enjoy Dancefestopia. This festival promises memories that’ll last a lifetime. And hey, even if you can’t find the way back home (or to your tent), at least you’ll have the dance memories to keep you going.

In the end, Dancefestopia stands as a testament to the fact that there’s no place like home…especially if home is a dance festival in Kansas. Don those dancing shoes and get ready to make some memories! And always remember, the tornado here isn’t one of wind and rain, but of beats and rhythm!


Balancing the highs and lows of life's journey, Jason captures moments that resonate. On updownnow.com, he chronicles the ebb and flow of experiences, offering readers a front-row seat to life's rollercoaster.

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